In the last project, we used a line of code that looked like this:
SQL = "Select * From [" & RSName & "]" SQL is
simply a variable and RSName is another with a value "tblMovie" the
string when concatenated looks like this: Select * From [tblMovie].
Select * (in SQL) means select all of the fields in the table. If we want
only the Title and Genre fields you would use:
Select [Title], [Genre]
List Fields in square brackets, separated by commas. The
square brackets ([ ]) are not necessary for a one-word Table or Field Name.
However, any Table Name or Field Name that is two or more words requires
the square brackets. So just to be consistent, I use them all the time (it helps set off the Table/Field Name.)
From [tblMovie] tells the ADODB DLL which table to open (tblMovie).
Note: It has been traditional to write SQL in Uppercase, but as you can see,
SQL is case insensitive.
This SQL is the simplest SQL you can write. There is, of course, more!
Select statment syntax:
Select [ All | Distinct ] select_list
[ Into new_table ]
[ From table_name(s) | view_name(s) ]
[ [ Left [ Inner | Outer ] | Right [ Inner | Outer ] | Cross ]
Join table_name(s) | view_name(s) On join_condition ]
[ Where search_condition ]
[ Group By group_by_expression ]
[ Having search_condition ]
[ Order By order_expression [ ASC | DESC ] ]
[ Compute aggregate_functions ]
[ For { Browse | XML | { Raw | Auto | Explicit }
[ , XMLData ]
[ , Elements ]
[ , Binary Base64 ]
} ]
SQL has the ability to Order (alphabetize) a list of records by any field,
even if the database does not have an index for that field. To order the
records by Title in the table tblMovie do this:
SQL = "Select * From [tblMovie] Order by [Title]"
This can be used to Order by any field in the recordset! You can even create
a secondary order field and a tertiary field (etc.) Some movies have the
same name you can order by date so that earlier movies come first:
SQL = "Select * From [tblMovie] Order by [Title],[Date]"
And you can reverse the order:
SQL = "Select * From [tblMovie] Order by [Title] DESC"
Filtering is the ability to select records out of a recordset based on
certain criteria. For example, suppose you want a list of only the movies
Ray picked. you would do this by writing the following SQL Code:
SQL = "Select * From [tblMovie] Where [EnteredBy] = 'Ray' "
If however, I but Ray LePine in the EnteredBy Field, the above filter would not work!
SQL = "Select * From [tblMovie] Where [EnteredBy] Like '%Ray%' "
The Like and % signs in this SQL tells SQL to look for Ray
anywhere within the EnteredBy field.
You may use more than one criterion:
SQL = "Select * From [tblMovie] Where [EnteredBy] Like '%Ray%' And [Date] > #01/01/1999# And [MovieID] = 9"
String type fields are in single quotes ( [EnteredBy] Like '%Ray%' ),
date fields us number signs ( [Date] = #01/01/1999# )
and numeric fields use nothing at all ([MovieID] = 9 ).
Note: Microsoft SQL Server uses single quotes around Dates as well as Strings ( [Date] > '01/01/1999')
You may filter for more then one value:
SQL = "Select * From [tblMovie] Where [Rating] in ('G','PG','PG-13')"
Limiting is the ability to remove duplications. For example, we have the EnteredBy field, this field
has the name of the person that entred the Movie listing. If we were to list this field we would see
the names appear maltiple times. We can use SQL to make a list that has only one entry for each unique
name in the list. check out the following code:
SQL = "Select Distinct [EnteredBy] From [tblMovie] "
This would produce a list of Directors:
SQL = "Select Distinct [Director],* From [tblMovie] "
This SQL will create a unique list of Directors and include the others fields (,*)
as well. Now back to the EnteredBy, if you do this listing you'll see that when a Movie
is submitted by two people both their names (separated by comma) are listed, so a unique
listing will include these as a unique Enteredby.
To not include these in a unique listing try the following:
SQL = "Select Distinct [EnteredBy] From [tblMovie] Where Instr([EnteredBy],',')=0 ")
Instr([EntredBy],',')=0 will exclude all fields with a comma.
Relationships are the same as in Access, but a relationship does not have to be created in Access
in order to be use in SQL. In other words SQL will create any relationship you wish regardless
of whether it exists in Access or not. For example lets make a list of movie Titles
and Rating Descriptions:
SQL = "Select * From [tblMovie] as M, [tblRatingCode] as R
Where M.[Rating]=R.[Rating]"
We are introducing two new SQL features here. First notice the as M, what this does is allow the
Table Name to be referred to as M throughout the SQL string (it helps to reduce the length of the
SQL string.) Secondly Where M.[Rating]=R.[Rating] sets the relationship between
the two Tables tblMovie and tblRatingCode and the field they both have in
common, Rating.
Creating "Virtual Fields":
A Vertual Field is a field that exists only in memory as long as the Recordset is open.
For example: SQL = "Select *,[Date] + [Genre] as [Category] From [tblMovie]"
This SQL string creates the field Catagory. If you list all the fields in tblMovie,
you'll find a new one named Catagory which is a concatenation of the Date and
Genre Fields. Or this one:
SQL = "Select Month( [Date] ) as [Month] From [tblMovie]
this will return the numeric month partion of the date in the new field name [Month] or
DateName( Month, [Date] ) will return the Month Name. (T-SQL Only).
Convert Data types:
To change a text data field to an integer:
SQL = SQL & "Order by cast( [Text_Number] as integer)
This SQL "Order by" command will sort a text field as though it were a numberic field.
e.g. normal Order: 1, 11, 101, 2, 20, 3, 4, 49, 5
cast interger Order: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 11, 20, 49, 101
Other convertions are:
Web Page Design: Exercise 36
Create a Search Box that allows web viewers to enter all or part of a Movie Title. Name this page
asp36.asp. The Web page will return a list of all movies with the entry in its Title.
Each listing will be hyperlinked so the viewer can click and see the details (all of record's fields)
for that movie. Name this page asp36a.asp. Download the folder MoviePics
and unzip it in to your wwwroot folder so you can include the Movie Poster Image
on the details page as well as the Plot (asp36a.asp).
Save them in the wwwroot folder on your computer as asp36.asp & asp36a.asp.
Also Include this project on your projects page on your personal Web Site.