An Image Map is an HTML tag that allows multiple hyperlinks from one single image. Normally, you can
place a hyperlink around an image by using the following code:
Click on the image home.gif and you'll go to index.html. But suppose you have an image of a compass and
you want to click on any one of the four directions and hyperlink to the web page for that direction. The
above HTML code will not work. You'll need to use an image map. Follow these instructions to create a
simple four hyperlink image map:
Open this image in Paintshop Pro and move the arrow around the image. You'll see numbers changing
in the lower left corner. These numbers are (X,Y) coordinates. Dust off your Geometry lessons from
Secondary School! In short, any image added to a web page has coordinates. The origin (0,0) is in the
upper left corner of any image. The X axis increases as you move to the right, pixel by pixel, and the Y
axis increases as you move down. If an image has a width of 238 pixels, the highest X value will be 238.
So, let's say you want the N for north on the compass to be a hyperlink that, when clicked will
send you to another page named North.html. You would imagine a box around the N and you would
move your mouse to the upper left corner of the box. Remember the coordinates (103,22), and next to
the lower right corner (136,57). These coordinates define a box around the N. You would use the
following code to link this area to the North.html Web page.
The MS Marquee tag allows you to scroll data across a Web page.
For example:
And the Container Tags look like this:
<marquee width='60%' style='border:1px solid black;padding:8px;'>
This is a test. This is only a test. Had this been a real emergency
you would have been advised to switch to the emergency broadcasting
service. This is only a test.
Web Page Design: Exercise 9
Copy this image to the images folder:
NOTE: You may have to remove the [1] from the name of the copied image.
For example, HomePage.png may copy over to the images folder as HomePage[1].png
In the index.html page replace everything between the Main Page: BELOW Here and Main Page: ABOVE Here comment tags with this:
Welcome to Global Company's Website, the company that created no less than three products!
Read the <a href='History.html'>history</a> of our great company and see our
<a href='Products.html'>products</a>.